Advanced | Mixed | Large
This advanced mixed ensemble is made up of roughly 75 students who want to grow as choral musicians through the practice and performance of standard choral repertoire from many different time periods and cultures. Singers is comprised of 10th-12th graders who have had a successful audition. This year-long large ensemble fulfills the “Choir Requirement”
to participate in one of the show choirs.

Advanced | Mixed | Small
This advanced mixed chamber ensemble is made up of roughly 20 students who want to grow as choral scholars through a small ensemble environment. Transcendence is comprised of 10th-12th graders who have had a successful audition. This year-long small ensemble does not fulfill the “Choir Requirement” to participate in one of the show choirs.

Intermediate | Treble | Large
This intermediate treble ensemble is made up of roughly 80 students who want to grow as singers through the practice and performance of standard choral repertoire from many different time periods and cultures. Chorale is comprised of 10th-12th graders who have had a successful audition and have registered for a full-year. This ensemble fulfills the “Choir Requirement” to participate in one of the show choirs.

Intro | Treble | Large
This beginning-level treble ensemble is made up of roughly 100 students who want to grow as singers through the practice and performance of standard choral repertoire from many different time periods and cultures. Placement in this group does not require an audition and can be taken as a semester-only or year-long course. This ensemble fulfills the “Choir Requirement” to participate in one of the show choirs if taken as a year-long course

Intro | Bass | Small
This beginning-level bass ensemble is made up of roughly 30 students who want to grow as singers through the practice and performance of standard choral repertoire from many different time periods and cultures. Placement in this group does not require an audition and can be taken as a semester-only or year-long course. This ensemble fulfills the “Choir Requirement” to participate in one of the show choirs if taken as a year-long course

All Levels | Mixed
This course is an ensemble made up of General Education and Special Education students who work together to build strong musical skills. The fall semester will be spent working on a show choir-like production and the spring semester will focus on a musical theater production. Placement in this group does not require an audition and can be taken as a semester-only or year-long course. Students must demonstrate personal responsibility and a desire to learn with students of all abilities and backgrounds.